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Herbal Rope Incense Astamangalum


This Incense is the perfect mixture of herbs and trees which are extensively found in high himalayan region of Nepal, abundantly used in stupas & temples for aromatic ambiance and spiritual wellbeing.

Individual Pack : 30 PCS ( Individual Handmade Rope Incense) 

Incense Length : 4"in

Burn Time : 1 STICK  8-10 min

Rolled in Handmade Lokta Paper(Himalaya Paper). Zero Waste Product,  All Natural Ingredients, NO Artificial Additives or Chemicals. Promotes Traditional Women Artisans Work, Spiritual Wellness, Eco- friendly & Sustainable Lifestyle. 

Embrace The Enchantment of Himalayan Handmade Incense and Unveil Nepal's Herbal Aromatherapy Secrets.

To burn your Rope Incense, light one end as you would a standard incense stick. Once it's alight, blow out the flame to allow the stick to smoulder and release its aromatic smoke. Rest a lit stick in a heatproof dish of sand or ash, or a Rope Incense Burner. Allow to cool before disposing of the ash.